Online Purchasing :
Please note that only juniors and seniors may park on campus
Information on Parking Permits: A parking permit is needed for parking on PHS campus. A parking permit does NOT guarantee you a parking spot. We have limited parking, and it will be on a first come first serve basis.
Please read until the end to get all the information.
- Student/Parent will go online to our online bookkeeper on their designated days. Here is the link for the online bookkeeper:
- Purchase a parking permit. We are not charging money this year but you will still have to go online and go through the purchasing process. Make sure you fill out all information fields regarding your vehicle. You will need the make, model, color and license plate number of your vehicle. Limit One per Student
Students can park in three areas:
- The Senior lot in the front of the school.
- The hill coming up to the school.
- The North campus lot. The North campus lot is rarely full.
Staff can park in two areas:
- The front of the school.
- The lot out past the commons (Bus Turnaround).
ADA Parking:
- The south side of the building along the fence line in front of the Commons.
- The parking lot in front of Roy Anderson Field.
Visitors can park in:
- Designated “Visitor Only” areas in front of the school.
Parking Permits:
- Parking permits are for Juniors and Seniors only
- There are only 225 spots for students on campus available.
- Students can lose their parking privileges. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Parking Violations - Attention Student Drivers:
- If you park illegally in the staff lots, or do not have a parking permit, your car may be immobilized with an immobilizer boot. To get the boot removed you will have to find an administrator and pay a $15 fine.
1. Student/Parent will go online to our online bookkeeper on their designated days. Here is the link for the online bookkeeper:
2. We are not charging a fee, but you will still have to go online and go through the registration process. Make sure you fill out all information fields regarding your vehicle. You will need the make, model, color and license plate number of your vehicle. Limit One per Student